IR running 64 per cent of its Mail /Express trains despite Covid 19

Indian Railways (IR) is running a total of 1138 trains or 64.36 per cent of its mail /express services as on date despite Covid 19 pandemic according to a statement.

During pre-Covid times, IR operated on an average, 1768 mail/express trains each day. These 1138 services being run includes festival specials, IR said.

A total of 115 pairs of Mail/Express train have been approved so far in month of January 2021.

Suburban and passenger trains

IR is operating total 4807 suburban train services per day in its different zones out of the 5881 suburban train services being run during the pre-Covid period.

IR is also running 196 passenger services currently on a dialy basis as against  average 3634 passenger train services that were operational across the country during pre-Covid times.

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