40 Million Tons of Freight Transported After Start of Lockdown, Says Central Railway

Central Railway has transported more than 40 million tons of freight from the start of the first lockdown in March 2020 till date, data released by the zone claims.

CR loaded 7.71 lakh wagons to transport 40.85 million tons of goods during the period.

Running at an average of 2,855 wagons per day, the zone loaded 2.99 lakh wagons with coal, 2.32 lakh with containers, 53,456 wagons with cement, and foodgrains, fertilizer, petroleum derivatives, iron, steel sugar, deoiled cake, etc. were loaded in the rest.

Central Railway has also transported 1.76 lakh tonnes of parcel traffic comprising essential commodities like medicine and pharma products, e-commerce items, mail and other hard parcels, milk etc.

It transported 1.04 lakh tonnes through 703 timetabled parcel trains run since lockdown, 68533 tonnes through parcel vans of special trains run from 1.6.2020 and 3,449 tonnes of milk in Railway Milk Tankers.

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